Friday, July 18, 2014

It's been a while since I have written, because I have been dealing with a health problem. You can read more about it here

I am still eating a vegan diet with zero plans of changing, but I have to admit that I have allowed some junk foods in. Processed foods galore, one might say. I let a little in, and wham-o! The flood hit. Plus, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't also tired of washing and chopping oodles of veggies every single day. I started to feel like a sous chef in a restaurant that wasn't paying me! 

I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), so putting a lot of energy into anything is really difficult for me now. My dream when I started this blog was to create as many different recipes, easy ones, that tasted delicious while also being very healthy. It got to be tiring coming up with new ideas.  I realized I had fallen into a rut of making what was easy--but still healthy-- for quite a while, but it became repetitive. 

Did the healthy diet help the CFS? It did. I thought I was cured even. I didn't know when I started the vegan diet earlier this year that I had CFS, rather, as I have stated in older posts I thought it was perimenopause. It's not perimenopause. Unfortunately, like everything else I have tried to feel better, the fatigue and other symptoms came back. That is how it goes with CFS. One day you feel a little or even a lot better, and then in a day or two, you're back to feeling very poorly.

Regardless, my desire to eat with compassion and to eat healthier is as strong as ever. And when I have a more energetic day or chain of days, I will post about anything new and exciting that I come up with. 

Until then, if you live in or near Berkeley, CA, you must visit Cinnaholic. Their gourmet cinnamon rolls are truly to die for and 100% VEGAN. Even if you live too far away, you can order them to be delivered by mail. 

That said... be kind, be loving, be compassionate, and be gentle. 


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